
Friday, May 16, 2008

Tajima I

On Tuesday, after promises of Shabu-Shabu and an otherwise good presentation on UCSD's limited program to get more mathematicians and scientists into middle and high schools as teachers, we went to Tajima 1. (the one on Convoy) Also, we had heard good things from Kirk and some other labmates.

Well, I hope that Tajima 2 (the Mercury St. location) is doing much better, because I was severely disappointed with my meal. The Chicken Kara-age was bland and a little soggy, and my Chashu Ramen was frankly not as good as some instant ramen I've had. However, as the ever-skeptical scientist, I have some hypotheses:

1) Tajima 1 is crappy, but Tajima 2 is ok/good.
2) Tajima 1 was having an off-night.
3) I just don't like how they do their broth.
4) $2 more ($8.95 vs $6.95) is worth the cost of three small thin slices of flavorless tough pork.

I'm sorry; the Santouka in SD may not be as great as the ones in LA, but even the chashu in their plain ramen is significantly better than what I had earlier this week.

Regardless, I am willing to give Tajima 2 a shot this weekend. Hopefully I will remember to bring a charged camera. If you're curious about the quality of the food my friends have, their judgments ranged from mediocre to average. Given the price, which is also about average, I can't really recommend this place. What can I say? I'm willing to put up with high prices and slow service if the food is good, but if my primary goal is to socialize with friends and have some food in the process, I could go to any number of good pho places in SD for a fraction of the price.

Tajima Restaurant (1)
4681 Convoy Street
San Diego, CA 92111

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Blogger KirkK said...

You know, I don't care for the Karaage at Tajima.

Sakura has lunch specials, and their Kara'age is quite good.

As for Ramen, Tajima better get their act together, many people love the ramen at Tajima, mainly because there was nothing better, and they haven't been exposed. Now that Santouka's in town....and hopefully they get their act together, it'll be interesting.

May 16, 2008 at 7:46 AM  

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